Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I already posted all of these on facebook a year or so ago, but I thought I'd bring them back here with further explanation.  And also I'm currently attacking the signs again with a new strategy.

My boxing gym is plastered with signs, they are literally everywhere.  "Please train with your shirt on", "Please wash your hands", etc, I wish I could remember all of them.  The one that really set me off was by the recycling/garbage and said something like "Please put only your recycling in the recycling and please put only water bottle caps in the trash".  It didn't make any sense.  And every sign has the most random capitalization, punctuation, and misspellings.  They say things like "Tonite train With Jim.  8PM!!  Free With MEMBERSHIP"

Anyway I started putting up my own signs.  I did it very sparingly over a period of 2-3 months, slipping in just one sign every two weeks or so.  At one point most of them were all up, though eventually they started to get taken down, and by now they are all gone.  I have no idea what happened to them, no one ever asked me about them and as far as I know they still have no idea who put them up.

I found a picture of a guy on the internet and named him 'Nick'.  I love Nick.  For the grand finale I made an 'employee of the month' poster and I even had it framed and mounted on the wall.  They took it down.  My favorite is still the hamster (above).

I'm currently working on make replicas of all of the signs that management has put up, but just changing one or two words in a subtle way, and then replacing the originals with my replicas.  We'll see if anyone notices.